Smithville was.
Smithville is.
Smithville will be.
Our Organization
The Smithville Community Coalition (SCC) was originally founded in 1968, by long time leaders in the Smithville Community before its annexation to the Town of Cornelius, North Carolina. The SCC is a nonprofit organization leading the efforts to save Smithville from gentrification and displacement through a comprehensive revitalization plan. It is our quest to implement a just and equitable solution for the future of Smithville.
Smithville is the freedmen’s community of Cornelius, NC. It is the largest intact historical African American community in Mecklenburg County with a rich heritage.
The SCC and our constituents, the historical residents of Smithville, have come together to shape a vision for the future. In addition, the SCC partners with the Town of Cornelius to manage the Cornelius Community Garden, Jazz Festival, and Black History Program. The SCC raises funds to support neighborhood youth programs and assists seniors to qualify for resources to repair their homes.
New Office Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting
May 11, 2023

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