Smithville was.

Smithville is.

Smithville will be.



Smithville Park 

VENDORS – Please email if you are interested in being a vendor at the Jazz Festival to receive a Vendor Registration Form from Lisa Mayhew-Jones.

Plan to join us, along with our event partner, the Town of Cornelius, for this unique, annual event.

Festivities include an evening filled with local jazz bands, food trucks, craft beer, and children’s activities.  

jazz festival new date


The annual Cornelius Jazz Festival started in 2012 as a partnership between the Smithville Community Coalition, Bella Love, and The Town of Cornelius. Proceeds from the Jazz Festival go to the Cornelius YMCA Summer Camp Scholarship Program which aided 28 youth in need to attend up to 10 weeks of summer camp at the local YMCA.  

SCC raised $35,968 in 2022 through grants and fundraising. 

The SCC donated $5,000 to the Neighborhood C.A.R.E Center in Cornelius, NC where they enrich the quality of life in the community by providing programs and resources that may not be otherwise available. This donation was used to purchase 400 backpacks for the Back-to-School event in 2022. The funding was possible due to exceeding our fundraising goals from the Jazz Festival.